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This course aims at inspiring students; giving them the courage to pray for the impossible and helping them find the persistence to see their prayers to completion.

Course Description:

This course aims at inspiring students; giving them the courage to pray for the impossible and helping them find the persistence to see their prayers to completion.

Course Objectives:

• Understand the essence of prayer

• Understand the necessity of prayer

• Develop habits of praying men and women of God

• Understand how to mobilize your church for prayer

Course Requirements

A. Technical Requirements

• Download and install a browser other than Microsoft Internet Explorer. We suggest Firefox or Google Chrome.

• The E-learning system performs better with Firefox or Google Chrome browsers.

B. Academic Requirements

Lessons (15%): Complete the weekly lessons

• Quizzes (35%): Complete the weekly quizzes. Quizzes are based on materials from weekly reading assignments.

• Final exam (25%).

• Term paper (25%):Each student is required to write a 3 -5 pages paper on one of the topics listed below. These topics are general, so it is desired that the student will focus in on specific areas relating to the topic. The expectation is that the student’s work will conform to the school’s guidelines for term papers.

1. Select a biblical prayer from the list below:

II samuel 7:18-29 

I Kings 18:16-41 

II Kings 19:14-19

2. Write a 3-5 pages study of the prayer. Your study should answer the questions below:

Scriptural reference of the prayer:____________________________________________ 

Who prayed this prayer?_____________________________________________________ 

Biographical information on this person is given in the following references:

Positive spiritual qualities evident in the life of this intercessor: 

List the qualities that made him/her a good intercessor. (These are things you want to emulate in your own life):

Negative qualities in this intercessor’s life: 

List qualities or conduct that interfered with their ministry of intercession. (These are things you want to avoid in your own life): 

Analysis of the prayer: 

What events prompted the person to pray? 

What is the main focus of the prayer? 

What specific requests are made in the prayer? 

What part of the prayer is intercession? Petition? Confession? Worship and praise? 

Is there evidence of faith or lack of faith by the person praying? 

What Scriptures are quoted in the prayer? 

What reference is made to God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit? 

List any promises of God claimed in the prayer. 

Was the prayer answered? When? How? 

If it wasn’t answered, why not? 

What were the results of the prayer? 

What can you learn from this prayer to make your own intercession more effective?

C. Grading Scale

• A = 94-100 Excellent

• B = 84 – 93 Above Average

• C = 74 – 83 Average

• D = 64 – 73 Below Average

• E = 63 & Below Failure

Intercessory Prayer: How God Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven and Earth Paperback – March 3, 2008